Britannia Sukkot Festival

Join us for an intercultural feast to celebrate our appreciation for the harvest, community connections, and the Coast Salish land we call home at the innaugural Britannia Sukkot Festival.

Sukkot is the Jewish harvest festival, held each autumn to celebrate the bounty of nature and the giving of the Torah by God to the Jewish people. To commemorate this holiday, Jewish families build temporary outdoor shelters (Sukkahs), where they dine with family and friends each evening for a week. These temporary shelters remind us of the impermanence of our possessions and harken back to the 40 years the Jewish people wandered through the desert following their emancipation from slavery in Egypt.

Sukkot expresses universal themes of harvest celebration, cultural identity, human vulnerability, and community. The Britannia Sukkot Festival will bring together diverse community members to feast and share in both a Jewish Sukkot and Coast Salish led ceremonies as part of the city wide Sustenance Festival 2017.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017, 
5-8 pm Britannia Community Centre šxʷqʷeləwən ct Carving Centre (dress warm)
1001 Cotton Drive, Vancouver 
Vegetarian Dinner by Donation
Advanced registration necessary; space is limited.
reserve a spot at:
or contact: 604.257.5199 or 604.718.5895
Programming will feature:
Eyepiece by FSOARK, the winner of the 2017 JMABC / GWFC Sukkah Design Competition.
Coast Salish Welcome and Blessing Ceremony by Senaqwila Wyss
Sukkot Blessings by Rabbi Hannah Dresner
Vegetarian Dinner by Tayybeh: A Celebration of Syrian Cuisine

Presented by the Jewish Museum and Archives of BC, Grandview Woodland Food Connection, Britannia Community Centre, and Or Shalom.

Britannia Garden Volunteer Workparty and BBQ

Big thank you to all the volunteers who came out the first annual Britannia Garden Volunteer Workparty and BBQ. We got alot of work done and the extra help goes a long way to maintaining the Britannia Secondary School gardens. Was really sweet to have a fiddle player, Caitlan Read join us which livened up the work. Also, a big thank you to Yao, our Britannia Community Centre volunteer coordinator for pulling together the volunteers and food.

Photos: Tadafumi Tamura

Corn Festival 2017

It is another wrap for a fantastic Corn Festival – a little taste of Latin America in East Van. The sun shone gloriously, pupasas were cooking, lots of corn was being eaten, the sounds of Latin American music all permeated Britannia last weekend. Now in its 13 year (9 years at Britannia), the Corn Festival, better known as the Fiesta Del Maiz, is s partnership between the Canada El Salvador Action Network, Grandview Woodland Food Connection, and Britannia Community Centre and celebrates corn and its cultural importance to the peoples of Latin America. Corn, the staple food crop in Latin America, is increasing under threat by corporate agriculture.  Fortunately for local projects like the Tal A’xin: Maya in Exile Garden at UBC, indigenous strains of corn are kept alive along with Mayan culture here in Vancouver. Check out their great video below and photos of the Corn Festival 2017

Photos: Ian Marcuse and Tadafumi Tamura

Britannia Sukkot Festival

Join us for an intercultural feast to celebrate our appreciation for the harvest, community connections, and the Coast Salish land we call home at the innaugural Britannia Sukkot Festival.

Sukkot is the Jewish harvest festival, held each autumn to celebrate the bounty of nature and the giving of the Torah by God to the Jewish people. To commemorate this holiday, Jewish families build temporary outdoor shelters (Sukkahs), where they dine with family and friends each evening for a week. These temporary shelters remind us of the impermanence of our possessions and harken back to the 40 years the Jewish people wandered through the desert following their emancipation from slavery in Egypt.

Sukkot expresses universal themes of harvest celebration, cultural identity, human vulnerability, and community. The Britannia Sukkot Festival will bring together diverse community members to feast and share in both a Jewish Sukkot and Coast Salish led ceremonies as part of the city wide Sustenance Festival 2017.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017, 
5-8 pm Britannia Community Centre šxʷqʷeləwən ct Carving Centre 
1001 Cotton Drive, Vancouver 
Vegetarian Dinner by Donation
Advanced registration necessary; space is limited.
reserve a spot at:
or contact: 604.257.5199 or 604.718.5895
Programming will feature:
Eyepiece by FSOARK, the winner of the 2017 JMABC / GWFC Sukkah Design Competition.
Coast Salish Welcome and Blessing Ceremony by Senaqwila Wyss
Sukkot Blessings by Rabbi Hannah Dresner
Vegetarian Dinner by Tayybeh: A Celebration of Syrian Cuisine

Presented by the Jewish Museum and Archives of BC, Grandview Woodland Food Connection, Britannia Community Centre, and Or Shalom.

Wild Minds Week 9 (Last Day)

It has been a great Wild Minds summer working with the Environmental Youth Alliance and Evergreen BC in the Cottonwood and Strathcona Gardens where the youth connected with nature and worked to heal the land. Last day we continued our work in the youth garden – watering, weeding, fixing trellises, and replanting an once overgrown area with native plants that will eventually form a food forest. Wrapping up the summer, the youth reflected on what a wild mind means, with one youth describing it as “something that wants to explore and learn new things”, which kinda sums up the summer program.