New GWFC Posters

A huge thanks to Claude April for creating this great series of posters for the Grandview Woodland Food Connection. We have been wanting posters like these for some time to get out in the community to let people know about us.

Poster Food Access

Poster Food Equity

Poster Right To Food

Been Doing Lots of Gardening

With this particularly warm spring, we have been out in the Britannia School Garden alot lately getting it cleaned up, spreading new wood chips, turning compost, digging up new garden beds, and planting seedlings and seeds. Our peas that the Grade 3’s planted in late February are now an inch high. Collard, kale, chard, and pac choi that the grade 3s also started indoors were planted outside last week. The grade 11’s planted spinach and radish seeds.

The students are super keen to be gardening, not like the first year when we started our garden when getting many of them to work was like pulling teeth. They are now used to the garden and enjoying seeing it grow and evolve. They are liking the physical work and just seem to love being outdoors. Go figure… after sitting in a classroom most of the day. Well, we got super lucky the last school garden day. After days of on and off rain, the sun shone through and it was a truly glorious gardening day.







Off the Grill Report 2014


The Grandview Woodland Food Connection is pleased to partner with the Britannia Teen Centre in organizing the Off the Grill Youth Meal Program which is providing nutritious dinners for a group of at-risk youth at the Britannia Community Centre. Food is also served to the community thereby facilitating relationship building between these youth and the wider community where there is a sense of distrust and fear of the youth. A healthy communal dinner program is providing an important anchor with the aim to improve health outcomes among these youth and positive engagement with the community, recreation, educational and service providers through a community-based, intersectoral approach, filling several gaps in the lives of these youth.

Check out the Off the Grill 2014 Report