Britannia Renewal

The Grandview Woodland Food Connection is very fortunate to be working at Britannia Community Centre as our host agency. Working through the community centre – the social, learning, and recreational hub of our community, provides us unlimited opportunities to collaborate with childcare, youth, seniors, the library, the two school, and others. In doing so, we greatly leverage our capacity and outreach to various communities and individuals that we seek to work with.

Britannia Community Centre is now the next community centre in Vancouver slated for redevelopment. The most recent City plebiscite allocated $100 million to this development.  This is very exciting, as Britannia has for a long time now, outgrown its space.

For the next 8 months Britannia and consultants will be conducting community consultation, reaching out to the many different communities to seek input and ideas for what we want Britannia to become. As a food programmer, I will be advocating for improved community food infrastructure and resources – including improved and more accessible kitchen space, food storage,  green space and food growing area, and opportunity for improved social spaces.

Please join us in this next consultation phase and help voice your wishes to see a strong community food hub incorporated into the Britannia renewal.
