We Are Seeking Volunteers

Are you interested in community food security? Would you like to make a valuable contribution to your community? The GWFC is seeking volunteers to help us with the following tasks:

o Graphic designer to help us design a public outreach poster
o Communications – social media person, video/Youtube, press releases
o WordPress expert for a bit of website update
o Film fundraiser organizers to join our organizing team
o School garden helpers to help with various gardening tasks at the Britannia School Garden
o Chef for our Off the Grill meal program one evening per week starting in May
o Off the Grill youth meal program helpers
o Advisory Committee members
o Sustainer donor fundraisers

For more information on how you can help contact Ian at 604-718-5895


The Grandview Woodland Food Connection – 2014 Year End Report

1The Grandview Woodland Food Connection had an ever growing year with exciting new projects, new community connections, and new learnings. The GWFC is proud to be a leader in the local food movement and most recently joined 37 other Good Food Organizations across Canada who have pledged to work together from a set of shared principles that prioritize creating respectful environments, offering high-quality programs and the only best food possible, supporting community leadership, and working together towards progressive social change.

Closer to home the GWFC has partnered with new innovative programs such as the Britannia Food Share, the Eat it Forward Community Market and Off the Grill and have expanded existing programs which are helping to build dignified food access and strengthen community food security especially for those in our community who are struggling financially. A total of 3,300 community members participated on our programs and festivals in 2014.

We also saw the completion of the report “Who Gets Sustenance: Community Voices Speak about Access to Local, Healthy Food” co-authored with SPARC BC Society and ourselves. This report highlighted several important issues that challenge us to consider this coming year, including ensuring that hard to reach individuals have access to food information, better supports for those living with illness or in isolation, increasing availability of high quality produce and nutrient rich foods, and programming that supports the whole person including emotional, social and psychological well-being.

As always, there is much going on with the GWFC. Please join us in sharing a few highlights from the past year.